Supported NIKON Camera Models, Bulb Mode


I got to the bottom of this once but I cannot find my answer. It looks like only certain Nikon models can be manipulated in bulb mode. I cannot find the list of those models in the help file or anywhere else. Can anyone help please.




From the new help file:

Some Nikon cameras require a shoestring DSUSB adapter to exposures longer than 30 seconds. Other, newer, Nikon cameras can take long exposures without an adapter (via direct USB connection).

Long exposure ready (bulb mode) cameras: D810, D810A, D800, D750, D800E, D7100, D7200, D5200, D600, D610, D5, D500, D5300, D5500, D4, D4S, Df

If your Nikon camera is not in the list above, you will require a DSUSB adapter.

Hi Ken,

is it possible to use a Nikon without bulb mode at least up to the 30 s without a DSUSB adapter ?


Thanks, Ken. I found the earlier message you had sent me a while back.

Yes, you will get a warning each time you connect but it will work fine without the adapter for up to 30 second images.


Hi Ken,

thanks for the quick reply. Than I have an issue with the remote API using the DSLR: I’m using a D7000 and I don’t get an exposure taken (even if it’s below 30 s). I already stated an issue, but I thought it’s only related to the missing DSUSB adapter:

(there is a short log added in this thread !)

Many thanks


PS: The sizing sequence window work fine !


I see that the Nikon 1 V3 is supported by other AP applications so I’m guessing the sdk is available for that camera. When will it be supported by SGP?



I’ve added support for the Nikon 1 V3. It will be out in our next release…however, as I don’t own one I cannot test it. So if you find you’re having issues with bulb mode (generally exposures over 30 seconds) please send us the logs so we can address it.

Thank you,

Did Nikon add ask for any of the other mirrorless cameras?


I’m not sure what this means…?


typo… ask=SDK

Just wondering why they would only add the V3 camera…

The Nikon SDK is quite frankly…awful. We have to manually add each camera as they don’t distribute a unified SDK like Canon does. Which means for every model of the camera there is a different SDK that we have to download, place the files in a specific location, and then make code changes to find them. So in this case I only added the Nikon 1 V3 as I didn’t see any other cameras that we weren’t already supporting. I would LOVE it if we could grab all of the updated .MD3 files and DLLs in one go and just plop them into SGP…but sadly that is not how Nikon’s SDK works.

You can give this pre-release a whirl if you’d like to try it out. This also has dcraw changes (which doesn’t appear to be in the execution path of Nikon so maybe not an issue). I’d be interested to hear how it works out:

Thank you,