Is there any option or way to hold on guiding for a moment of calibration frames taking? The problem I have is when the flat box is in close position (takes the flat frames) partially obscures guiding camera optical path. Guiding can’t work properly and sometimes this lead to Sequence Abort.
What do you mean by calibration frames taking
? Taking darks, bias, and flats?
If you have a Flip-Flat or something similar, SGP should close it while taking calibration frames. It works fine for me.
I do not have a problem with calibration frames itself (bias, dark, flat). Problem is in a moment when flat box is in close position (please look at the photo in my post) and obscure guiding telescope field of view. On the photo you can see that guider pointing partially in flat box. If guiding star is not visible (because of the flat box) then guiding camera doesn’t correct telescope properly. That’s why I am looking for some way to stop guiding while flat box is in close position.
Why not change your sequence so that all calibration frames are in progress at the END of your imaging run…when there is no need for guiding to continue.
I thought about this and I will run sequences that way. I was wondering are there some extra options to decided when to stop or run guiding depend on needs. Thanks a lot
Why would guiding happen when the flat box is closed?
Way not? There is no restriction especially that I don’t use OAG (as you see on the photo I use separate guiding telescope). So sequence doesn’t stop guiding while flat box is in close position. My question in this discussion was how to temporarily stop guiding in a moment of flat frames taking.
Unfortunately that functionality does not currently exist. The assumption is that if you’re taking calibration frames that you’re generally parked and not guiding since the telescope would be blocked. The exception to this is if you’re taking dawn/dusk flats, in which case you would still be parked and not guiding.
If you use the Auto Flats Wizard it should help to configure the option to Park/Home the scope.
Thank you,