Switches with V4.4.1.1413

Hi Ken,

I loaded a sequence that I had been running and it came up with this:

The switches were gone so I applied the profile that I had saved from the sequence. There was no apparent difference. I restarted SGP and the switches were there again. When I click to connect the switches, it goes green while the cursor is hovering over the button and it says connected, but goes to red, when I move the cursor, while still saying connected. The text jitters a lot. Also, the switch delay options appear to be gone.


Last night, the switches turned off before dome had a chance to close and park scope. I had set the sequence action to “disconnect at sequence end”. Log at:


You seem to have switched back to the non-beta version again which does not have those new options.

This is because your switches had already been migrated to the new switch format and SGPro does not support a backward migration… only forward.

I’m confused (nothing new). The log shows I was using v1413, which I believe is the latest beta after the previous version I was using (1398).

I have gone back to 1398 and switches are working relatively ok. The switch options are there and so are the switches.


Please see our previous conversation here:

The next beta will be v4.5 and will be far easier to distinguish from the active non=beta release.