Hello all,
Have a bug to report, cant see it reported before - OR - if it may be an ASCOM only issue even.
This happens in SGP and I’ve also experienced this in late 2.4 builds. As I have my bug head on
I thought it a good Idea to get and report this.
It concerns the Camera Type - ‘Simulator’ and the ‘Show Stars’ checkbox in it’s settings. If ‘Show Stars’
is enabled/checked and you take a ‘frame and focus’ image, SGP crashes (not responding in Win 7 64bit).
All is fine if this ‘Show Stars’ option is disabled though.
Steps to reproduce:
Start up SGP (either a or late 2.4 version build)
In sequencer, select ‘Simulator’ in the Equipment -> Camera dropdown
Click the ‘Device Settings’ icon and check the box for ‘Show Stars’
Connect the Camera
In the ‘Frame and Focus’ module - Click the button ‘Take One’
SGP takes the exposure and goes to the download stage as indicated in the status bar. Also note
that SGP never gets to the end of the Download stage, it just downloads forever. If you then click
the same button, now marked ‘Stop’, the Stop button changes to ‘Aborting’ and gets greyed out, the
status bars message changes to ‘Aborting Image, Please Wait’ and clicking anywhere in the interface
reports SGP as Not Responding and a Task Manager forced stop is the only way out.
Attaching Log for Frame and Focus test:
sg_logfile_20160113162926.txt (20.8 KB)
‘Almost’ the same happens if you run a Simulated sequence using the Simulator camera with ‘Show Stars’ enabled, the EQMOD ASCOM simulator for the mount, a simulator Guide profile in PHD2 using ‘Simulator’ for the camera and ‘On-Camera’.
The difference here though is when the infinite ‘Downloading’ loop happens, clicking ‘Pause Sequence’ in
the Sequence module and selecting ‘Abort’ and run end of sequence actions, SGP changes the pause
button to ‘Aborting’ (greyed out), the status bar continues to show ‘Downloading’ and PHD2 continues to
guide. Not an all out crash here but SGP remains in this semi aborted state permanently.
Here is the log for a simulated Sequence Run:
sg_logfile_20160113163144.txt (100.4 KB)
The two situations above may only be related due to an issue with the ‘Show Stars’ option in the Camera
Simulator but just in case they are actually separate SGP issues I have included both scenario’s and their
logs in this thread, hope you don’t mind guy’s.