V2.6.0.1 - Experience

Hi all

First off let me just say, I am not one to post new topics to forums but feel that as I am so very happy with SGPro I should.

My current setup consists of:
Mount: AZ-EQ6 GT
OTA: Altair Astro Wave Series 102 mm F7
Guide Scope: Altair Astro 60mm
Guide Camera: Lodestar X2
Imaging Camera: Atik One 6.0 mono with Baader LRGB CCD Filter set
Focuser: Lakeside Astro
Imaging Software: SGPro
Guiding Software: PHD2
Planetarium Software: Stallarium with StallariumScope
Mount control: EQMod
Platesolve: PlateSolve2

All that can be controlled and run through SGPro is connected, all works, and seems to have always worked, flawlessly. I have been using SGPro for around 16 months now and, after an initial steep learning curve, a lot of back and forth to the manual and of course this great forum, everything just seems to work. SGPro will always be my preferred go to astro software of choice. I will not be looking at any other, all in one, astro software package for a very long time to come.

Sure, there were issues but this was always due to something else, USB hub, cable, driver, Prolific instead of FTDI etc. etc. etc… I am now at the stage where I choose a target that’ll be up for the required period of time, load the associated sequence, hit run then sit back and relax in the comfort of my house. Everything is taken care of no matter where in the sky the mount is pointed at or what the temperature and focus position is.

HOWEVER, the only thing I am now struggling with is determining the correct exposure times. I am currently imaging the M1-Crab Nebula and have setup my sequence according to what SGPro suggests my exposure times should be. So, tomorrow, after processing, I will have a better idea of how well SGPro’s advice is.

So, there you have it folks, one very happy customer that would have happily paid double the current going price for the way SGPro has transformed the way I astro image.

Oh…and about the colouring and icon enhancements, personally I like it.




Thanks for the feedback… glad you are enjoying SGPro.

As for exposure time recommendations, it really depends on whether you subscribe to beliefs here as written by John Smith.

In my experience, in practice, I tend to abide (mostly) to these times for broadband imaging, but narrowband recommendations have never been very great…

I know this is old…but
The link [posted]
appears to have been hacked. After clicking on it in the help file (under the topic: “Image Statistics”) I am led to various nefarious wed sites.

I am using version

better link: https://web.archive.org/web/20180114064335/http://hiddenloft.com/notes/subexposures.pdf


eww, gross, thx for the heads up, I have killed these links and replaced them with one that works.