Versions vs. Startup Behavior

Hi Group,
My practice is to “pin” the startup icon on the taskbar. I find the below problem behavior to be the same when using the Win10 Start button.

Up through version, I could —
a) Left single click on the taskbar icon and bring up a “fresh” unpopulated sequence, or
b) Right click and bring up the mini window, and then left single click on the Sequence Generator icon to do the same as above “a)”, or
c) Bring up the mini window in “b)” and left single click on a “recent” populated sequence (profile, target and events) to open it.
I could also double click on an existing sequence file to open it.

I find that version, will not open a fresh unpopulated sequence.
a) Left clicking on the taskbar icon brings up the last existing sequence.
b) Right clicking on the taskbar and left clicking on the SG icon brings up the last existing sequence.
c) Following the same approach as this item “b)”, but left clicking on a recent existing sequence brings up, of course, that sequence.
And double clicking on an existing sequence file, again brings up that sequence.

I know of no way to now bring up a fresh unpopulated sequence in version

I installed version 3…'140 around October 24th, but continued to use an existing sequence up to yesterday. When I went to create a new sequence I witnessed this behavior.

The only way I found to create a fresh unpopulated sequence was to remove version 3…'140 and re-install version 3…'94. When done, I was able to create the sequence as intended. Just opening the new sequence and saving it allowed me to then open and customize it in version 3…'140.

I first thought this was something peculiar in my Win10 OBS computer. But I saw the same behavior in my Win10 Home computer.

I absolutely have seen no comments regarding this issue which makes me wonder if I’m just missing a clever setting in version 3…'140.

The attached DropBox folder includes a screen shot of the mini window from right clicking the SG icon at the task bar.
It includes the log file from trying to open the fresh sequence from the mini window. However, it did not open a fresh sequence but rather the existing one shown above in the recents.

Clarity on this would be much appreciated.

This is mentioned in the release notes: SGP is Released! - Releases - Main Sequence Software

Last sequence opened will now open when SGP starts (this can be disabled under Tools>>Options if you prefer the “Default Profile with empty sequence” behavior)

You can also always click File → New Sequence in the menu bar.

Thanks Naavis, that did the trick.