Where Are My Debug Logs?

I’m heading out tonight to do some imaging. I’m not confident I’ll actually gather any image data as tonight is dedicated to solving some technical issues. One of those issues will be platesolve2 failure. I’m having the same problem described in this post;

I’ll be posting about that later.

I haven’t seen any real resolution to this problem, but if I need to post about it I’m sure I’ll need to post a debug log. I’ve saved, looked at, and posted these logs before, but the last time I went out and captured some photons I looked for the debug log and could not find it. So where does SGP save the debug log?

My last night of imaging was full of the problems that plague astro imagers, including the apparent failure of my PC or SGP or some other ghost in the machine to save any of the Ha flats that I captured. I say “apparent” because this failure might be the result of the operator, whomever he may be :flushed:, to take said flats. Funny things happen at 4:00 AM sometimes. If I did capture those flats and they didn’t get saved, perhaps the debug log got … not saved as well.

Go to Help/Open Log Folder.

If you need to upload a log go to Help/Report a Problem and the dialogue will ask you to choose a log to upload.

Ahhhh there it is! Thanks Joel.