Where can I find framing wizard cache?

Lately my ability to get data to the Observatory via phone hot spot has gone to zero…(thanks verizon)…we are very rural and barely get a bar or two. I would like to download a bunch of targets into the framing wizard on a computer in the house that has internet, then take that data out to the Observatory computer. Anyone tell where to find the cache file lives? I haven’t been able to find it .


Try c:\Users(your name)\AppData\Local\SequenceGenerator\MosaicCache. You may have to unhide system folders.


Yup, that’s it. Though I’m not sure if just moving that over will work or not. But it’s worth a shot.

Interested to hear how it works out. You can also define the sequences on another machine and just move the sequence over. Unless there’s a specific reason you want to do the sequence creation on that one machine.


I hadn’t thought of just moving the sequence…great idea. Thanks! I’ll still try the cache thing tomorrow and will update the post.

Moving the sequence works…I’ll use that as a work around till I can get internet into the dome. Thanks