I’m trying to find the page that allows for manual rotation of the camera that appears in the Help file. I can’t get a sequence to start because SGP believes I want to use an auto-rotator, which I do not have, so I need to rotate the camera manually but can’t find that tool in 4.2.0 (1158). If it still exists as shown in the Help file, where SGP provides a real-time update to properly orient the camera manually to match what is set in the Frame and Mosaic page, I’d love to know exactly where to find it. Thanks for any assistance.
In Equipment profile manager…far right option “other”, rotator is listed under flat box options.
Working with a sequence you will find under ‘Equipment’ a horzontal line with a triangle. Klick on the triangle and activate the ‘Manual Rotater’.
Thank you very much for your reply.
Thank you for your help.