ZWO EFW - Filter Wheel error connecting

Hi! I’m attempting to use my ZWO EFW filter wheel in the latest SGP after previously using it in SGP a couple years ago and getting an error.

Log file (check the end):

I can configure the filter wheel from within the Sequencer ‘Equipment’ dialog before I click ‘Connect’ and I’m able to change filters within the wheel (audibly hearing the change) and configure names, etc.

Once I click ‘Connect’ via ‘Equipment’, the Connect Icon turns green. Then when I click into device settings, the ZWO dialog says “Failed to run to the specified position”, etc. Upon closing the dialog, when I try to click back into device settings, I get “This EFW is removed”. After I disconnect, I’m able to go back to successfully configuring through device settings.

First click of Device Settings

Second click of Device Settings

From that dialog it looks like the EFW is reporting an issue that probably needs to be resolved:

Maybe this is causing it to disconnect or have the connection fail.
