Could not get manual rotation to give me sensible directions last night in my first session under the stars. It would tell me to rotate 25 degrees clockwise for example, which I would do, then it would tell me to rotate 75 degrees more. In the end I wasn’t able to frame my target the way I wanted.
Also, the Altair Hypercam 26M doesn’t have native support which means I’m having to run it through an ASCOM driver. Whilst I’ve set the camera settings to gain 200 with gain offset at 300, for whatever reasons, the sub exposures that came through look very different to those that I’m used to from NINA. I don’t think that it’s actually shooting at the gain and gain offset settings that I prescribed. I’m unable to edit the per session gain offset setting in the sequence.
It’s very difficult to tell what’s happening with the manual rotator through logs, but it does seem like it’s possible that the rotator may be giving you correction cues in the exact opposite direction. This is typically caused by mirrors counts and other “flippy” things in the light path. Because of this SGPro allows you to reverse the direction of the correction requests (as part of the sequence or a profile). Have you tried both ways?
It seems like wrt the question above you are trying to use SGPro, but can’t and so you are using just whatever the driver was last set to. Can you provide additional details here? Is the camera connected when you try to set these values (the first time)? SGPro will need to query the camera at least one time in order to understand what its gain and offset options can be set to.
I haven’t tried reversing the rotator settings yet. Might give that a go. Thanks for the suggestion.
The gain and gain offset settings have been set under the camera setup parameters in SGP. What’s involved with getting native support for the Altair Hypercam 26M out of interest? It has an IMX 571 sensor, basically a ZWO2600MM in purple clothing.
Re per session gain and gain offset, yes I was attempting to set that on a per session basis in the sequence but it won’t let me edit the gain offset. It has a message in the box that can’t be fully read so it’s hard to determine what SGP is wanting from me. Yes the camera has been connected through all of this.
Apologies… I must have lost my mind. The sequence is absolutely helpful, but based on this report:
We’ll need to see a connection attempt in the logs. I assume this is what the original link you posted is, but we don’t have access to it. In the future, you can just submit logs to us directly from within the SGPro app. Granting us access is to your file is 100% fine too. Guidance here: