AutoFlats at the moment is “very beta”. You are certainly welcome to try it out… Problems like this may not be user error and, at theis stage, could indeed be genuine bugs. After release we will work on easier to digest guides, but for now, we can offer a complete set of documentation that, in its current state, is more like vomiting of information. You can find that here:
- Click here for a concise explainer / summary of AutoFlats
- Click here for a detailed view of AutoFlats (actual documentation draft)
- Same docs as above, just a Google Docs version of them
I’m not certain that I understand this question, but AutoFlats can be used:
- as a standalone tool (like a mini-sequence)
- as a scheduled part of regular sequences running before and/or after the sequence.
- as a tool to export a set of flat events into a normal sequence (I’m not sure if this will make it into the final release… it’s not the intent of AutoFlats to do this and leaves so much of what AutoFlats does on the table)