I have the old version of SGPro (The one without the subscription!) and have been happy with it, hence no need to upgrade. Ive been having issues of late though - when focussing on M42, it kept picking up regions of nebulosity as stars and failing to focus. Tonight I tried to focus on the Horsehead area and it just kept on selecting Alnitak and ignoring the other stars in the frame. I’m wondering if the new version allows me to shift to an area with stars and no nebulosity to do the focus run, then move back (and plate solve) to the target? Im sure, years ago, that I think it was called FocusMax, that had this feature…
Older versions of SGPro have a system that is designed to handle this, but, admittedly, it never worked very well and the upcoming SGPro 4.5 has completely removed it (for cases like you describe, we intend to move in the direction of “Focus Sets” which are more effective and efficient. They will allow you to, for any target. define areas of the target that should be ignored completely when measuring HFR metrics.
In the version you use, it can be found here:
Since its been so long and I do like SGPro - Ive just renewed my subscription! So Im now on 4.4 something… Tried again tonight, set my Bin to 1, gain to 300 (feature request, allow you to set a gain for focus, preferably per filter - can then set gain to 300 for Ha and something less severe for LRGB) and focus time to 5 seconds. It did at least this time focus, but it was off I could see Alntitak in focus then the final focus position, it was slightly off - I could see double star spikes, so I moved back to that position and its away guiding now.
What is the focus set thing then? If focus is failing I can exclude a star or area? Still not great for something like the Orion Neb as its pretty much full of nebulosity - could we not have somethng that says slew to the nearest Mag x star of something and focus on that?
We can look into something like this. It has always been our recommendation in the past to always focus with LRGB (even when shooting narrowband), but if gain works to reduce the exposure time, maybe? I still worry that there will be much data that is unavailable to HFR metrics engine using narrowband. In the end, the proof would be in the quality of focus. When you set gain manually to this value and run Auto Focus you are happy with the resultant focus at the end of the run?
Here is our current perspective on focus sets. It is pretty high on the priority list due to it’s popularity: