Meridian Flip Error - Step 1 only

Never had this happen until tonight for the first time but when my telescope went for a meridian flip it could not complete step 1 ‘solve and sync’. I am using PlateSolve2.

It asked me if I wanted to do the meridian flip or wait until my image was finished being captured so I did the flip, it tried to sync and plate solve but plate solve kept on searching regions and got up to 350 without anything happening.

I aborted the solve, then it said complete and went onto step 2 all the way to step 5 and it worked perfectly.

Has anyone seen this happen before with step 1? Luckily I was monitoring it otherwise it would have been stuck in a loop and my entire sequence would have been aborted.

I have noticed something similar happen a while ago where plate solve would just keep searching for regions even though it was almost on the target.

Unfortunately, meridian flips are a fairly complex set of automations and, because of this, difficult to provide any kind of generic speculation concerning failures. SGPro keeps logs for 30 days… if you’d like to find the session that shows the issue, we can take a look at the cause of the failure.

Further guidance on finding and submitting logs for inspection is here:

Thanks for that. Have submitted.