I have a pulsar dome without an automated shutter control to open and close the shutter. I simply open the shutter manually.
When I start a sequence I get a message ‘Observatory startup failed, could not open shutter’ and the sequences stops. I can’t find any option to tell SGP that there is no shutter to open.
Anyone has a solution?
No ideas off hand, but if you’d like to include logs that show the issue we can take a look. Further guidance here:
I had a similar issue with a MaxDome II dome with no shutter - tried directly connecting - and via ASCOM POTH and Device Hub. A source of the issue I found was the ASCOM driver seems to want to default to the dome has shutter control when it certainly doesn’t! I couldn’t find a way to get ASCOM through any driver to report there was no shutter control so SGP wouldn’t try and open the dome. I had the same issue with N.I.N.A. trying to control the gear. The SkyX (TSX) with Dome Option or MaximDL worked fine - and act as a decent scope and dome hub.
So in the end I told SGP there was no Dome to manage and the scope was controlled solely through TSX.
Hi Matthew, Thanks for your reply. Do I understand correctly that you let TSX control your dome and mount and use SGP for the rest? But I suppose there needs to be some communication/coordination between TSX and SGP then. How is that established?
Frankly I’m still hoping for a solution that makes it possible to use SGP controlling eveything
The ASCOM standard for domes has a property “CanSetShutter” that tells an application that the dome has or doesn’t have a shutter. The Pulsar ASCOM driver should be returning false to tell SGPro not to try to open the shutter.
So the fact that this isn’t working for you can either be a Pulsar software issue or an SGPro issue.
Hi Charlie,
Thanks for your input! In the ascom log the CanSetShutter property is True. So this suggests it’s a Pulsar software issue. I’ll contact them with this information.
Regards Jurriaan