Plate solve camera angle when framing is not 0 or 90 degrees

I am continually having issues when imaging with a Framing & Mosaic framing angle that has the camera angle at other than 0 or 90 degrees. (I am manually rotating the camera). Even though I start the session with the camera angle precisely where it needs to be for the Framing & Mosaic’s planned angle, during plate solving SGP will have me rotate CW x degrees, then CCW y degrees, - it usually ends up completely failing the plate solving.
Last night, while imaging IC443 the Framing & Mosaic tool planned angle was 145 degrees - I started the session with the camera at that angle. The plate solving had me rotate multiple times CW then CCW until it had me back at the original starting point - then began the session. After the meridian flip - it did the same thing, ending up resolving the plate solving with the camera at an angle approximately 106 degrees (that’s what it had me rotate it to from the pre-flip “correct” framing) off from the Framing & Mosaic angle.
See the attached image of the stacked data - the “portrait” tile was the pre-flip data at the camera angle (145 degrees) that intended using your Framing & Mosaic tool and was in the SGP plan. The “landscape” tile was the post-flip data at the angle (39 degrees) the plate solving directed (CCW rotation of 106 degrees).

Please tell me what can be done to image targets at camera angles off 0 or 90 degrees reliably.

Thank you very much!

How do you know that the camera was at this angle when you started (i.e. how did you verify or know this before solving)?

What is your target rotation threshold set to? The default ± 3 deg?

Can you show us logs with the session you describe?

Further guidance is here: