I have an SBIG 16803, C14 Edge HD & Paramount MX+. Up until recently, I have done my imaging with The SkyX Camera Add-on. Outside of some star elongation issues which I worked through I did not experience any particular problems.
I bought Sequence Generator Pro with a view to utilising its superior sequencing abilities. I set up the camera and entered some values into the RBI pre-flash exposure and number of flush boxes, frankly not really knowing what it was for. I subsequently got the arcs in my images, which I presumed was some sort of reflection. Unfortunately I had done some maintenance and cleaning work on my OTA coincident with this and presumed I had done something to introduce a reflection. I went back to The SkyX and was still getting these arcs, which made me think the issue lay with the OTA. However a 90 degree rotation of the camera saw the pattern maintain its orientation, proving the issue was with the camera. After some consultation this was diagnosed as the classic RBI pattern, with curving arcs. OK, so now I understand what RBI is all about and it was being generated by an IR pre-flash.
I was advised that unless I had very bright objects in my images, the ghost images that result from RBI would not be a problem and that I should run without it. I set he number of flushes to zero which is supposed to turn the RBI pre-flash off. But after I did this I was still getting the pattern and even when I went across to image with The SkyX Camera Add-on.
After some discussion with Diffraction Limited, noting that I couldn’t get CCDOps working, they suggested I download Maxim DL, which I did….well the 30 day trial anyway. It has an option to capture “Raw” and another for “Raw + pre-flash”. I selected the former and produced darks without the pattern. I then turned the pre-flash on with the default of a 4 sec flash and 3 flushes. This produced the pattern. I then went back to “Raw” and took a series of images over a half an hour watching the pattern fade away.
I then went to The SkyX and took a dark with no pattern.
Next over to SGPRo and again, having selected 0 flushes (i.e. no RBI), I took a dark, with no pattern. I then turned on the pre-flash and got the pattern as expected. I then set the number of flushes to 0 again and this is, as I understand it, supposed to effectively turn pre-flash off. However, as I took images over the next 3/4s of an hour they did not fade, indicating the pre-flash was still being applied.
I then went waited a half hour before going back again to Maxim DL, set it to “Raw” i.e. no pre-flash and took a dark. No pattern. I then turned pre-flash back on to give the pattern.
I then went back to The SkyX and after waiting half an hour I took another dark. The pattern would have faded away in this time, but no, it was there bold as brass.
So in summary, once I turned on the pre-flash in SGPro, it simply stayed on despite my having set the number of flushes to zero, which is supposed to turn it off. The SkyX Camera Add-on, has no RBI pre-flash input and so it seems that when it is used the last RBI pre-flash setting is applied. It wasn’t until I download Maxim DL and set the option on Raw that the pre-flash was finally turned off.
Can you advise whether there is another way that I haven’t understood to turn the pre-flash off, if so the text indicating that setting the number of flushes to zero effectively disabling RBI is misleading. Alternatively there may be a bug in the software.
I haven’t included any logs but can do if you feel they will be of value in this instance.
Niall MacNeill
Wattle Flat, NSW, Australia