Sequence Images fail download after running F&F for any length of time

I am an old timer and have not been on this site since version 2.0 and then 3.0. If someone can point in the right direction, that would be great.

I have had an issue with downloading image files after running Frame and Focus for any length of time greater than say 2 minutes. This had been happening to me since version 2.0xx and up to the current version I have at I never upgraded after that since I still had this same problem regardless of the version. I just lived with it assuming that maybe someday it would be fixed. I have to close and restart the program for it to function normally to sequence and DL image data. As noted, I can restart and briefly rerun F&F then move back on to sequenced imaging.

I had used older i3 laptops to now i5 lenovo T430 with USB3 ports and Windows 10 Pro. I have seen stories about problems not downloading F&F images in the F&F routine but not after the routine and then begin imaging sequences. I am thinking about upgrading but I don’t want to waste my $ if I could still potentially have the same problem. The cameras I have used ranged from QHY163M, 168C, 268C and now with a RisingCamimx571. I have been using NINA since it run with no issues at all with the RC571 but really like my normal routine with SGPro. I have tried different USB 3 ports and even a powered port but same issue.

If I am missing something, an update, a thread somewhere, or any comments about the issue, that would be great. I may not even be posting in the right place too so my apologies for that.

Thank you,

Unfortunately, there are too many variables to speculate on an issue like this and we’d need logs to assist further. The most recent version of SGPro 3 is SGPro 3.2 and it contains tooling to help send logs. This is a no cost upgrade. To get it, you’ll need to claim your SGPro 3 license on the new website. We sent out an email win 2020 with instructions on how to do so, but it can be re-sent if necessary. After you have SGPro 3.2 installed, attempt to reproduce the issue and then send logs as described here:


  • Please ensure that the ASCOM platform is up to date with the most recent version
  • Ensure that all your camera drivers (both ASCOM and native) are up to date
  • If you need assistance getting your SGPro 3 license, please email


Thanks for taking the time to address this issue. I looked at what it seems to have stored the log file during that event the first time and it does not seem right. I took a snippet of that section that might be where the event failed. I can send the full logs are noted in the link if you need more.

Thank you,
Jerry Namba

[10/04/22 16:51:49.856][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] EventMarker 10 - t:Test -1s (8); e:0; f:0; o:
[10/04/22 16:51:49.856][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Finished sending frame capture. Entering wait mode…
[10/04/22 16:51:49.856][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] EventMarker 11 - t:Test -1s (8); e:0; f:0; o:
[10/04/22 16:51:49.856][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] EventMarker 12 - t:Test -1s (8); e:0; f:0; o:
[10/04/22 16:51:49.862][DEBUG] [Camera Thread] SGM_CAMERA_CAPTURE message received…
[10/04/22 16:51:49.862][DEBUG] [Camera Thread] SetAscomNormalSpeed…
[10/04/22 16:51:49.863][DEBUG] [Camera Thread] Cannot set readout speed, not supported by camera…
[10/04/22 16:51:49.865][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] EventMarker 13 - t:Test -1s (8); e:0; f:0; o:
[10/04/22 16:51:50.147][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] EventMarker 15 - t:Test -1s (8); e:0; f:0; o:
[10/04/22 16:51:50.147][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Waking from exposure time sleep period…
[10/04/22 16:51:50.148][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Checking to see if the CCD has a temp…
[10/04/22 16:51:50.148][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Saving the CCD temp…
[10/04/22 16:51:50.164][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Entering super dangerous loop to await image completion…
[10/04/22 16:51:50.172][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] EventMarker 16 - t:Test -1s (8); e:0; f:0; o:
[10/04/22 16:51:51.177][DEBUG] [Camera Thread] SGM_CAMERA_CAPTURE complete…
[10/04/22 16:51:51.680][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] EventMarker 17 - t:Test -1s (8); e:0; f:0; o:
[10/04/22 16:51:51.680][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Image reported as complete. Continuing…
[10/04/22 16:51:51.692][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Collecting FITs headers…
[10/04/22 16:51:51.696][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] ASCOM Camera - Camera reports last image start time as: 2022-10-04T23:51:49 UTC
[10/04/22 16:51:51.697][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] DATE-LOC time provided by camera…
[10/04/22 16:51:51.699][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] GatherFitsHeaders: Writing header info from UI…
[10/04/22 16:51:51.704][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Clearing timed monitoring events…
[10/04/22 16:51:51.709][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Created full file name (file does not exist): C:\SGP Images\RisingCam Mon IMX571\360s Data\Light\Test
[10/04/22 16:51:51.711][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] SaveFileAscom: Start…
[10/04/22 16:51:51.711][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] SaveFileAscom: Checking image data…
[10/04/22 16:51:51.711][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] SaveFileAscom: Create normal preview bitmap…
[10/04/22 16:51:51.727][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] SaveFileAscom: Locking preview bits…
[10/04/22 16:51:51.727][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] SaveFileAscom: Validating file name…
[10/04/22 16:51:51.727][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] SaveFileAscom: Starting byte traversal…
[10/04/22 16:51:52.056][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] SaveFileAscom: Unlocking preview bits…
[10/04/22 16:51:52.056][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] SaveFileAscom: Saving preview bitmap to disk…
[10/04/22 16:51:52.057][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] SaveFileBmp16: Locking bitmap for disk write…
[10/04/22 16:51:52.057][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] SaveFileBmp16: Opening file stream…
[10/04/22 16:51:52.057][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] SaveFileBmp16: Writing FITS headers…
[10/04/22 16:51:52.061][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] SaveFileBmp16: Traversing and persisting bitmap data…
[10/04/22 16:51:52.376][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] SaveFileBmp16: FITS block fill…
[10/04/22 16:51:52.376][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] SaveFileBmp16: Unlocking bitmap…
[10/04/22 16:51:52.376][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] SaveFileBmp16: Closing file stream
[10/04/22 16:51:52.378][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] SaveFileAscom: Displaying image preview in UI…
[10/04/22 16:51:52.378][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Internal Interface: Set Preview…
[10/04/22 16:51:52.378][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Display image preview using asynch task…
[10/04/22 16:51:52.970][DEBUG] [Main Thread] → Find stars (normal)
[10/04/22 16:51:53.480][DEBUG] [Main Thread] AF frame was too large… downsample = 0.25…
[10/04/22 16:51:54.479][DEBUG] [Main Thread] Star detection using min star size of 2px…
[10/04/22 16:51:54.479][DEBUG] [Main Thread] Star detection using max star size of 40px…
[10/04/22 16:51:54.533][DEBUG] [Main Thread] Find stars took: 1563 ms…
[10/04/22 16:51:55.139][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] SaveFileAscom: Done
[10/04/22 16:51:55.139][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] =========== Save file took 3431 ms
[10/04/22 16:51:55.148][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] EventMarker 18 - t:Test -1s (8); e:0; f:0; o:
[10/04/22 16:51:55.156][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] EventMarker 19 - t:Test -1s (8); e:0; f:1; o:
[10/04/22 16:51:55.156][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] EventMarker 20 - t:Test -1s (8); e:0; f:1; o:
[10/04/22 16:51:55.157][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Running post event…
[10/04/22 16:51:55.157][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] EventMarker 21 - t:Test -1s (8); e:0; f:1; o:
[10/04/22 16:51:55.157][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Incremented numComplete (1) for event[0]…
[10/04/22 16:51:55.160][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Attempting to find next event…
[10/04/22 16:51:55.160][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Current event[0] frame count: 1/1…
[10/04/22 16:51:55.161][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Looking at event[1]…
[10/04/22 16:51:55.161][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Looking at event[2]…
[10/04/22 16:51:55.161][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Looking at event[3]…
[10/04/22 16:51:55.161][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Looking at event[4]…
[10/04/22 16:51:55.161][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Looking at event[0]…
[10/04/22 16:51:55.161][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Looked at all events in group and none remain with waiting frames. Group done…
[10/04/22 16:51:55.161][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Getting next event (-1)…
[10/04/22 16:51:55.162][DEBUG] [Main Thread] PopulateDataModel: Transferring view to the data model…
[10/04/22 16:51:55.203][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Attempting to move to next event…
[10/04/22 16:51:55.203][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Finding first active group…
[10/04/22 16:51:55.203][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Looking at target IC5146 Cocoon…
[10/04/22 16:51:55.203][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target is active: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.203][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target is complete: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.203][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target marked as past end time: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.203][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target has end time: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.203][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target end time: 7/9/2021 3:14:00 PM
[10/04/22 16:51:55.203][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Looking at target Bias HG 0 56 0 seconds…
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target is active: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target is complete: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target marked as past end time: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target has end time: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target end time: 7/9/2021 9:27:00 AM
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Looking at target Dark Frames 3 min 0 56 HG Mode…
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target is active: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target is complete: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target marked as past end time: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target has end time: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target end time: 7/9/2021 9:06:00 AM
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Looking at target QHY268C ANTARES Complex…
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target is active: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target is complete: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target marked as past end time: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target has end time: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target end time: 4/22/2021 5:11:00 PM
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Looking at target Dark 3min…
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target is active: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target is complete: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target marked as past end time: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target has end time: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target end time: 7/9/2021 11:38:00 AM
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Looking at target Dark 3-6 min RCAM…
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target is active: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target is complete: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target marked as past end time: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target has end time: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target end time: 10/4/2022 9:48:00 AM
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Looking at target Lum Ha 3-6 min…
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target is active: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target is complete: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target marked as past end time: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target has end time: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target end time: 10/4/2022 9:50:00 AM
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Looking at target RC 360s Data…
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target is active: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target is complete: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target marked as past end time: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target has end time: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target end time: 10/4/2022 4:18:00 PM
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Looking at target Test -1s…
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target is active: True
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target is complete: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target marked as past end time: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target has end time: False
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Target end time: 10/4/2022 4:50:00 PM
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Sequence complete.
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] ********* Run post sequence *********
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] SGPro capture cal frame mode is OFF…
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Clearing timed monitoring events…
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Checking RunEndOfSequenceEquipmentOptions, force = True
[10/04/22 16:51:55.204][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] In RunEndOfSequenceEquipmentOptions
[10/04/22 16:51:59.038][DEBUG] [Main Thread] Aborting sequence timer thread…
[10/04/22 16:51:59.038][DEBUG] [Main Thread] Sending sequence end notification…
[10/04/22 16:51:59.038][DEBUG] [Main Thread] Resetting UI elements…
[10/04/22 16:51:59.038][DEBUG] [Main Thread] Checking if sequence has work left…
[10/04/22 16:51:59.038][DEBUG] [Main Thread] No work left…
[10/04/22 16:51:59.038][DEBUG] [Main Thread] Updating big status…
[10/04/22 16:51:59.038][DEBUG] [Main Thread] Enabling menu items…
[10/04/22 16:51:59.076][DEBUG] [Main Thread] Set target icons…
[10/04/22 16:51:59.077][DEBUG] [Main Thread] Removing camera protection…
[10/04/22 16:51:59.217][DEBUG] [Main Thread] Monitoring system shutdown…
[10/04/22 16:51:59.217][DEBUG] [Main Thread] SequenceEnds complete…
[10/04/22 16:51:59.217][DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Restoring system standby state…
[10/04/22 16:52:04.028][DEBUG] [Main Thread] PopulateDataModel: Transferring view to the data model…
[10/04/22 16:52:04.091][DEBUG] [MF Update Thread] Performing serialize…
[10/04/22 16:53:21.566][DEBUG] [TEC Thread] SGM_CHANGE_COOLER_TEMP message received…
[10/04/22 16:53:21.566][DEBUG] [TEC Thread] TEC Change: Starting…
[10/04/22 16:53:21.568][DEBUG] [TEC Thread] TEC Change: Changing temp from -7.70 to 20.00 in 240 seconds…
[10/04/22 16:57:21.680][DEBUG] [TEC Thread] TEC Change: Complete…
[10/04/22 16:57:22.029][DEBUG] [TEC Thread] Turning camera cooler off…
[10/04/22 16:

Can you clarify? What do you mean by this? The log snippet you attached show successful integration of and download of an image and then show the sequence terminating normally (with no work remaining)

I have exactly the same issue. I have seen it in version 2 and version 3, but infrequent. Now, while using a RisingCam IMX571 on a new laptop it is very frequent. Autofocus fails after a few positions in the “downloading”. In the end I focused manually, and switched off autofocus. Unfortunately, somewhere in the sequence I got the same problem. Sequence was hanging on a download of an image. It stayed forever in “downloading”.
I am not sure what causes this. Running on a Windows 11 PC, SGP I installed the latest ASCOM version, but that did not solve the issues.
In the end I had to switch to NINA as SGP was not reliable anymore. It’s a pity, I have used it for many years and like the simplicity.
Did you manage to get a solution?

Thanks for your message and it was as if I am listening to my own failure report. Your situation parallels mine so closely even from prior version issues.

I received a message from Ken about the issue and he wanted me to update to the latest version of 3.2xxx like you did so I could generate a report for him. I actually found a report in the version I had so I cut and pasted that to him as you can see but have not heard back. I could see what looks like the point of failure when it was trying to download but there must be more detail there that I could not see. I will certainly post here and let you know if there is an update to this and if you could likewise, that would be great.

Like you, I am working with NINA since I rarely have an issue and I make sure I don’t let the focus routine run too long. That was what I did with SGPro as well and that seemed to help so I did not have to close and rerun the program. I don’t use the sequencing since I like to run PHD2 on it’s own. No EAA stuff and I mainly use various Starbook Ten setups anyway. I just wish NINA had more administrative file handling/management capabilities like SGPro since that is what I miss the most.

I was certain there was a script that noted a DL failure and that was the area at fault. I will pull the data again to see if I can find that section in the log.

It would be interesting to see if you can find the DL failure. I gave up trying tonight. How is the Starbook Ten doing? I have two, but not yet used them for guiding. I use a Losmandy G11 at the moment.

I replied to you that same day please see above.

Excuse the delay due to illness. I reviewed the log again and I cannot find the area that was of concern. I think I pasted the wrong section. I will have to wait until I perform another run of SGPro with the update version recommended and submit the log file again when the failure occurs. It is monsoon season here in the NW so hoping to get a clear sky to run the app.