This is a continuation of the original 4.5 alpha release, but with a bunch of changes and fixes. Thank you very much for your feedback. Here’s the latest:
All of the sequence end time issues should be resolved and it should no longer always show 00:00. IMPORTANT: This is only true for sequences that have been opened in 4.5, modified the sequence end time and re-saved it or for sequences that have never been opened in 4.5 before. If the sequence has already been opened, then that sequence end time is forever lost.
The “old” sequence options dialog has been retired, but the button has been left in place. When clicked it now opens sequence settings in the Control Panel (part of the movement toward centralized settings). This should clear up confusion around some duplicate settings (which are the same, etc)
All issues regarding settings of a default sequence coupled with users that create a new default setting on SGPro start have been resolved. This issue did not corrupt any of your profiles.
All issues with opening SGPro’s external notifications settings should now be resolved (though I could never produce the reported “hang”, I am convinced that the issue I located was similar enough).
The dead progress bar in the docking TEC module has been repaired.
Known Issues:
Maybe? Several reports of the auto guider not pausing when it’s supposed to, but I cannot reproduce any similar behavior as of yet.
Have not looked into making resizing windows from the bottom edge issues yet (only when the window has a status bar).
The left side of the Control Panel doesn’t scroll to the Sequence link when this happens, which confused me. In my case, the Camera link was highlighted, and after pressing the “old” button and seeing the sequence options appear on the right side of the Control Panel, when I clicked on Camera to show its settings, nothing happened. I had to click on a different link, then click on Camera.
I like that you’ve gotten rid of duplicate dialog boxes. Are you planning to remove the “old” sequence options button prior to official release? I’d vote to do so. This seems like a good time to make a clean cutover to the Control Panel. Removing the button would also eliminate the problem I mentioned above.
Eventually yes. I am unsure of timing. So much has changed in the UI that part of me is trying to minimize changes in other places to reduce the amount of “things are different” shock and maybe stretch it out a bit. But maybe. It’s not something I’m vehemently opposed to or anything like that.
The external notification works as well as the camera temperature status bar.
Regarding the autoguider not pausing during a recentering, that still is there with this updated version.
But, let me explain what happens and you can tell me if that is normal or not.
As a test I configured Target Centering > Center Every 3 frames
After the 3rd light frame is taken, SGP does a validation of the location and during this time I See PHD is still actively guiding.
SGP must have been satisfied with the mounts location and immediately went back to capturing light frames without going through the steps I’m used to seeing when first starting the session at the beginning and SGP performs the usual slew/plate solve cycles before starting the light frames.
The fact that no mount adjustments were needed to be done when performing a periodic recentering routine, is that why PHD wasn’t paused?
Now it correctly saves the End time, however it says “Today”, a screenshot below shows the time is currently 9:36PM but it is showing an end time of 05:10 “Today”, surely that should say “Tomorrow”
I’m curious how you decide things like this. Is there any data you can look at or do you have a “hunch” how much change your customers can handle at a time? Will you decide after you know how many things would contribute to the “things are different” shock?
Not trying to sway your decision, just cursious as a fellow software developer.
Can you change it so that if all the switch ports are already at the desired state that it doesn’t throw up an error saying it was unable to set the switch port states.
I always “Connect all Equipment” prior to running a sequence, and in order to do this, I have to have all the ports already enabled.
I know what you are going to say is to just use the “Unchanged” option, but having them set to values is a back up in case I have not enabled them all already.
If the switch reports back the values that have been set already, then it shouldn’t throw up an error saying it was unable to do so, in my opinion.
Just installed and have had a very quick play and found the Configure External Notifications and setting a profile to default in the the Sequence Profile Manager to be working, which is great so thanks for that. However, I have found a couple of possible problems that also seem to have been in (I reinstalled for testing). Hopefully the below makes sense.
When the telescope mount is connected, the docking telescope module “Park/Unpark” and “Set Park” buttons do not seem to function for me. Nothing happens when hovering over or clicking either of the buttons and the text of the “Park/Unpark” button does not update and remains on “Park” regardless of mount setting. However, when in the Telescope setting of the Control Panel, the Park Actions “links” both work and the link text updates but this does not update the button. I reinstalled the version and the “Park/Unpark” and “Set Park” buttons work as expected in the docking telescope module.
Same as EricC’s comments on the Control panel behaviour, but for the docking modules. When clicking any of the equipment docking modules option button (down triangle in top right of the module next to the “x”) and select the relevant settings link (e.g. Telescope Settings), it opens the control panel to the correct settings page in the right panel but the selection in the left panel seems to show the last manually selected option. So, for example, if I manually open the control panel and select the “Sequence” option (or any option) on the left panel then select the docking Telescope module option button and select “Telescope Settings”, the Control Panel will update to the correctly selected option in the right panel but still with the “Sequence” option selected (or whatever option was previously selected) in the left panel. This is consistent for the Telescope, Temperature, Scope Centering, Frame and Focus, Filter Wheel, and Focus Control docking modules. However, the Flat Box and Rotator docking module options both open the Auto Guider settings in the Control Panel.
Sorry, I’m not sure what this means. What is a switch port? If you are referring to switch state values, SGPro should never complain if a switch is already in the state it’s supposed to be in.
Oh. Ok, I had somehow misinterpreted this (original) report. Too many moving parts I guess. Thx for the details here. I’ll take a look…
It depends for how long SGPro has been open. Currently there is no dynamic refresh for this field, but I can add it. In other words, If SGPro was opened before 9pm, then it is correct that it reads “today”. But in reality, it is only important that the internals of SGPro understand it to be “today”. From user’s perspective, I think it safe to always show the “next” end time as long as it isn’t propagated to the sequencing engine (which would cause your sequence to continually end)
Thx, will investigate
Yep, thanks. Lot’s of spots like this need to be converted to use the new open the Control Panel method… still using the old method that pre-dated the tabs on the left side.
Sometimes we collect data on usage of things, but this particular one is literally just a hunch driven by mor than 12 years of supporting SGPro. We have released a bunch of “big changes” before and , while some people love the evolution and the addition of new things, there are just as many that have a “I just learned how this works and it’s stable now, so please stop changing things”. We won’t stop changing things if we think they make SGPro better, but we do try to be considerate of the perspective.
Just want to clarify what you mean here. For the setting you refer to (center every 3 frames), there is no validation. If you have this selected, SGPro should do a full re-center every 3 frames with no validation whatsoever. There is, however, a setting that will check the location error every frame and perform on demand recentering, but these settings are completely separate from one another.
If your sequence is set to center every 3 frames and it is not doing that, there is an issue.
After i delete the template profiles (i.e. NB Template) because i just need mine, the entries
going to blank! Just after i restart SGP 4.5.1450 i could see my two profiles again!
@Daniel1983, FYI, every time you upgrade SGP those profiles are recreated, so I’ve found it’s not very useful to delete them. I wish SGP would remember I deleted them and not restore them.
Unfortunately, the error still exists in the planning tools. You can set an end point (red) before the starting point (green). In reality, of course, such a thing is not possible!
It’s a mistake that you can easily avoid if you’re careful. But it should still be fixed as soon as possible!
I used the Flats Calibration Wizard, which work fine, but the window will not close. Even ending SGP the window stays open. I am forced to use Task Manager to halt this.