SGPro 4.5 Beta Enhanced Release Notes

Thank you to the folks who helped to push through the SGPro 4.5 alpha build. This release of SGPro will have a lot of changes included.

New Things

  • Completely restructured Control Panel (more detail)
    • Better organization of settings
    • Cloned settings (the same setting can now appear in multiple places to make it easier to find depending on how your brain works)
    • Resizable
    • More…
  • Refactored UI for setting Filter Focus Points (more detail)
  • Completely restructured Equipment Profile Manager (more detail)
  • Full settings search across SGPro (more detail)
  • Period and reactive recentering: Recenter over time or frame or when the location has drifted by more than some value from the target’s expected location. UPDATE: Periodic and Reactive Target Centering - Sequence Generator - Main Sequence Software
  • Brand new Equipment and User Profile Choosers (detail below)
    • Layout and usability is MUCH better
    • Fully resizable
    • Supports favorites ordering
  • Switch delays and ordering. SGPro now has full support for power switches and allows for both a delay in gear connect after setting switch state and, in the case of multiple switches, allows for specific ordering SGPro 4.4.1 Update - Switch Delays and Bugs - Sequence Generator - Main Sequence Software
  • Equipment profile favorites (profiles that will always appear on top)
  • You can now apply an Equipment Profile to the current sequence by right-clicking on the profile name in the Profile Manager’s chooser list.
  • Many “global settings” are now part of a sequence’s equipment profile.
  • A BUNCH of bug fixes

Apply Profiles Directly


The Current Profile Chooser


The New Profile Chooser

  • Note the “star” icons for the new profile favorites system

Small Things

  • Added an option to the Help menu to directly open the File Explorer folder that SGPro uses to store profiles.
  • Added new options to the Sequence menu that allow for settings the sequence start or end switch state manually. Useful for testing or manual startups.
  • Switches can now define custom equipment initialization delays prior to starting a sequence.
  • Switches in the same groupings can now define delays that will enforce a specific ordering for setting state. This is applicable to both start and end states.
  • Update SGPro documentation to reflect Chain Solver and new plate solving options.
  • Added a more helpful error message for when PlateSolve3 is failing due to Windows blocking it as a suspicious app.
  • Added a new sequence level option that will allow switch states to be ignored for restart on safe events (if a global sequence end time is set)

Bug Fixes

  • Addressed an issue where deactivation could fail locally.
  • Fixed a bug that may sometimes cause ASCOM filter offsets to not import into SGPro.
  • Fixed a minor display issue for the Pan and Zoom module.
  • Fixed an issue where closing the flat box shutter after mount park (on sequence end) would not always await mount park completion.
  • Fixed an issue where end of sequence switch state may have been set before long running end of sequence actions are finished.
  • Fixed an issue where the equipment profile may have stored illegal state values
  • Fixed several bugs related to orphaned switches
  • Fixed several bugs that were mostly specific to the ASCOM DigitalLoggers switch driver
  • Fixed several issues where the switch cache may have stored illegal values.
  • Making STRSZ1X1 FITs header uppercase.
  • Removed a command to restart the autoguider that may cause sequence failure for guider setups that use the main telescope.
  • Fix an issue where old switch profile entries with a blank value were identified as valid orphan switches
  • Fixed a condition in which the end of sequence actions may not subscribe to the mount park complete event and as a result never run end of sequence switch state.
  • Fixed a minor error where child switch introspection will no longer attempt to connect to uninstalled switch devices.
  • Fixed an issue where a partially uninstalled switch device may try to emit cache during sequence save and fail.
  • Fixed an issue where ASCOM FlatBoxes that do not have an automatic cover would continually prompt the user to remove the flatbox for every light frame.
  • Fixed an issue where restart on safe events may cause the sequence to end with the switch start state still active.
  • Fixed an issue where the global sequence end time was not honored whilst awaiting start time for a target
  • Fixed several tooltips that were VERY VERY wide and would render off screen.
  • Fixed an issue where AutoFlats may decide that your observatory (whether you actually have one or not) is not properly slaved to the mount and cause the AutoFlats run to fail.
  • Fixed an issue where equipment disconnect might occur after end sequence switch state.
  • Made the window edge-dragging to resize experience better. The edges are no longer difficult to find in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where a cached or orphaned Switch Device could no longer be removed from a sequence or profile.
  • Fixed an issue where having switches available, but not using either start or end state may cause the sequence to hang at start or during end of sequence actions.
  • Safety monitor is now always disconnected when choosing the menu option to disconnect all equipment.
  • Addressed an issue where deactivation could fail locally.
  • Fixed an issue where some target imports from online list providers might be created with no events and fail to save.
  • Making STRSZ1X1 FITs header uppercase.
  • Removed a command to restart the autoguider that may cause sequence failure for guider setups that use the main telescope.
  • Fixed a timing issue where system standby state may be restored and then effectively undone by a background worker thread.